Sean Charles writes:
I think, that on SBCL/MacOS it should work if you start SBCL in the terminal, load and start the Swank server from there, and connect to it from Emacs with `M-x slime-connect'. SB-SYS:*TTY* should then hold the stream to the terminal in raw mode. This way you still need to switch windows, but at least you get proper terminal emulation.
So, my procedure is now:
Since you're now using SB-SYS:*TTY*, please be aware that it is not a supported interface, but a private one, and may go away or change in the future.
(Though now that we have a use-case out in the open, it is more likely to be replaced with something explicitly supported then go away, of course.)
-- Nikodemus Schemer: "Buddha is small, clean, and serious." Lispnik: "Buddha is big, has hairy armpits, and laughs."