Luke Gorrie <luke@bluetail.com> writes:
I hacked swank-loader.lisp to put the fasl files in ~/.slime/fasl/ (on Win32 it's _slime instead). This way we can install in a read-only directory. Sound okay?
Yes, I like it.
So it seems to be worth interrupting normal hacking for a little while to get a 1.0 release out the door. I propose this release plan:
"alpha" release towards the end of this month: Release a tarball of something FAIRLY-STABLE and encourage as many people as possible to install and bash on it. Major bug-hunting spree, last chance for people to suggest small changes.
"beta" release towards the end of July: Take what we have after alpha and release that. Final round of bug-hunting. Try really hard not to add features.
"1.0" release towards the end of August: If we're satisfied at this point we make a slime-1.0.tar.gz and put it on the 'net. We also try to get it bundled in packaging systems (debian, gentoo, xemacs, etc).
Sounds good. Which versions of the various Lisp to we want to support? The latest released version in June? Tests for the "essential" features we be nice. It would also be nice if we could write tests for a specific Lisp. Are there any features we can remove? I was going to suggest removing the REPL (because the code is messy and a REPL is not the Emacs way to interact with anything), but I guess people wouldn't like that :-) Any outstanding keybinding wars? A while ago we talked about grouping documentation commands under C-c C-d; I like that idea. Should we make a (final?) try to simplify the connection handling code in swank.lisp? It is not very readable, but I haven't any good ideas to improve it. Helmut.