In article <22580327-C753-4400-B343-A891B57524CB@gmail.com>, michaelawells <michaelawells@gmail.com> wrote:
In some cases, "indent-sexp" can be very slow, particularly when it is used on complex "macroexpanded" expressions.
In my case, it takes 43 seconds to apply "indent-sexp" to a buffer of ~6000 lines. (I measured this using the elp package.
The expression produced by SBCL and Allegro is already nicely formatted, so I would prefer not to display the result as formatted, rather than wait.
So, I suggest adding an option to slime.el called "slime-indent-sexp-after-macroexpand", which would allow "indent-sexp" to be disabled.
I'm fine by this. In fact I wouldn't mind getting rid of the indent-sexp alltogether. Others? In case this does not get picked up by anyone in the next few days, please submit it as a ticket in the launchpad tracker. -T.