On Fri, Sep 14, 2007 at 11:24:08AM +0200, Tobias C. Rittweiler wrote: : Mark Evenson <mark.evenson@gmx.at> writes: : : > The basic SLIME recipe in the toplevel README goes: : > : > (add-to-list 'load-path "~/hacking/lisp/slime/") : > (setq inferior-lisp-program "/opt/sbcl/bin/sbcl") : > (require 'slime) : > (slime-setup) : > : > but this will trip up anybody who tries to use the contrib modules via : > installing functions in SLIME-LOAD-HOOK, as it will never get called : > when M-x slime is invoked, at least on Emacs 22. : : You have to set up the `slime-load-hook' before you require SLIME. Really? Mine seems to work okay defining both slime-load-hook and slime-mode-hook AFTER (require 'slime-autoloads) and (slime-setup). Jonathon McKitrick -- My other computer is your Windows box.