Howdidlydoo, I'm feeling impulsive lately. How about shooting for a 1.0 release? I know some people are already in favour (hi Brian :-), so I'm particularly probing for the opinion of the other side (hi Helmut :-)
From my end there are a lot of good omens for an August 27 release:
It will be the one-year anniversary of the first public mention [1] of SLIME. (Time really flies!) It will be my birthday. (*) I'll be starting a new job, and be really busy for a while. How do the tea leaves look for you guys? Cheers, Luke [1]: The fateful posting of a tweak to Eric Marsden's SLIM on a list that Helmut reads: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.lisp.cmucl.devel/3850 (*): How sad is it that I apparently spent my 25th birthday hacking Emacs? :-)