Hi all, I've written a few functions that might be used to save the history of SLIME REPLs to disk. Those are attached as a file. It might be an improvement to save the histories depending on the backend, I don't know. This is not implemented here. Currently the list can be written to a file in two ways: 1. Just overwrite the file with the current history 2. Try to merge the file contents with the current list and save the result. You can see that from the docstrings. Please note, that I did not test the truncating of the list to a maximum size. Also note that although I did test the functions, I have written them just a few hours ago, so they might still be buggy. The defvars should be changed to defcustoms and the functions should be hooked to wherever they make sense. If you are interested in using this code in -say- slime.el I'll pass copyright to you (as I state in the header of the attached file). If you prefer to receive a patch to slime.el I can do that, too. Just tell me. Thanks for developing Slime, Kind Regards Stefan Kamphausen -- GMX DSL = Maximale Leistung zum minimalen Preis! 2000 MB nur 2,99, Flatrate ab 4,99 Euro/Monat: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/dsl