Jeffrey Cunningham writes:
Thanks, Zach. That's exactly what I needed to know.
I tried it in a fresh emacs & slime setup and see that M-x cd calls swank:set-default-directory, after which *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* has been changed as expected. What's curious is that I periodically run into cases where it doesn't seem to be working. Of course, at the moment my working emacs slime (recently started) is behaving as it should. Next time it acts up I'll take a look at the value of *default-pathname-defaults* to see if it is in fact being changed. I bet not.
M-x cd invokes the emacs "cd" function, which changes emacs's notion of where the current working directory is, but it has no effect on the Lisp implementation connected via SLIME.
M-x slime-cd (or the ,cd REPL command) should always update the Lisp implementation's notion of the current working directory.