On Mon, May 08, 2006 at 04:08:12PM +0100, Antonio Menezes Leitao wrote:
(defvar slime-fuzzy-completions-map (let* ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
... (define-key map " " 'slime-fuzzy-select-and-space) ...) "Keymap for slime-fuzzy-completions-mode.")
This takes advantage of the fact that, in most cases, fuzzy completion places the cursor on the correct completion so I don't really look at the completions window because the correct completion was also placed on my buffer. Then, I press a space and (because the focus was on the completion window, the command confirms the choice, and I keep writing.
This small change is, IMHO, a good improvement for fuzzy completion usability.
I had made space be "next page" to comply with the seemingly standard emacs read-only buffer metaphor of space being page down, backspace being page up, and q being quit. But I agree for using the fuzzy completor for normal everyday completion this could be a really useful feature. While we're talking about this, would it be helpful for it to try and "learn" your prefered completions? i.e. if one completes "mvl" and picks "multiple-values-limit", that would get a higher score next time. While this would promote trying to have the right completion at the top, it would also mean the list is always shuffling around a bit, which could be distracting. (I put a fuzzy-completion-selected hook in Swank with the expectation of doing something like this, but never used it.) -bcd