Hi, "Levente Mészáros" <levente.meszaros@gmail.com> writes:
I'm wondering how others use slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol? Do you use it at all? Do you use it with the default user interface or do you have customized it?
I added the following function (just a minor change on slime-fuzzy-select): (defun slime-fuzzy-select-and-space () "Selects the current completion, making sure that it is inserted into the target buffer with an extra space. This tells the connected Lisp what completion was selected." (interactive) (when slime-fuzzy-target-buffer (let ((buff slime-fuzzy-target-buffer)) (slime-fuzzy-select) (with-current-buffer buff (insert-and-inherit " "))))) and changed the completion map: (defvar slime-fuzzy-completions-map (let* ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) ... (define-key map " " 'slime-fuzzy-select-and-space) ...) "Keymap for slime-fuzzy-completions-mode.") This takes advantage of the fact that, in most cases, fuzzy completion places the cursor on the correct completion so I don't really look at the completions window because the correct completion was also placed on my buffer. Then, I press a space and (because the focus was on the completion window, the command confirms the choice, and I keep writing. This small change is, IMHO, a good improvement for fuzzy completion usability. Best regards, António Leitão.