I did a cvs update of SLIME Sun May 2 2004 09:30AM PDT. A recent change to EDIT DEFINITION has caused a problem when the DEFGENERIC is implicitely defined by the compiler and the object file is in a different directory from the source file. I narrowed the problem down to the following: slime-cleanup-definition-refs complains: cond: destructure-case failed: (:error " File-error in function TRUENAME: The file \"/m/opt/IU/FREEDIUS/arch/linux-cmucl-redhat-9/lisp/globj/gl-objects.lisp\" does not exist.") (swank::find-definitions-for-emacs "DRAW-OBJECT-AROUND") returns: (("(DEFGENERIC DRAW-OBJECT-AROUND)" (:ERROR " File-error in function TRUENAME: The file \"/m/opt/IU/FREEDIUS/arch/linux-cmucl-redhat-9/lisp/globj/gl-objects.lisp\" does not exist.")) ("(METHOD DRAW-OBJECT-AROUND (CME::3D-COMPOSITE-OBJECT))" (:LOCATION (:FILE "/m/opt/IU/FREEDIUS/lisp/cme-compat/object-classes.lisp") (:POSITION 12074))) ("(METHOD DRAW-OBJECT-AROUND (GL-OBJECT))" (:LOCATION (:FILE "/m/opt/IU/FREEDIUS/lisp/basic-gui/display.lisp") (:POSITION 36246))) ("(METHOD DRAW-OBJECT-AROUND (T))" (:LOCATION (:FILE "/m/opt/IU/FREEDIUS/lisp/basic-gui/display.lisp") (:POSITION 35806))) ("(METHOD DRAW-OBJECT-AROUND :AFTER (GL-OBJECT))" (:LOCATION (:FILE "/m/opt/IU/FREEDIUS/lisp/globj/gl-objects.lisp") (:POSITION 12818)))) With this info, the problem should be easy to fix.