In article <5065C8AD.3090405@onetel.com>, mike <mikereape@onetel.com> wrote:
I'm trying to get slime and slime-mode working with acl82express (Allegro CL 8.2).
Here is the relevant part of my .emacs:
; This is sample code for starting and specifying defaults to the ; Emacs-Lisp interface. (push "c:/acl82express/eli" load-path) (load "fi-site-init.el") (setq fi:common-lisp-image-name "c:/acl82express/alisp") (setq fi:common-lisp-image-file "c:/acl82express/alisp.dxl") (setq fi:common-lisp-directory "c:/acl82express/")
Hello, I don't understand why you load eli here, I think this Franz much older alternative to Slime. Take a look at: http://www.franz.com/emacs/slime.lhtml On Mac OSX, I just have (setq inferior-lisp-program "/Applications/AllegroCL/alisp") in an emacs file and acl 8.2 start happily The above mentionned page gives specific instructions on how to proceed on windows. regards Karsten