Hello, I just installed Slime on Mac OSX 10.6, via Quicklisp and sbcl (following instructions here http://www.mohiji.org/2011/01/modern-common-lisp-on-osx/).
My emacs has some annoying behavior whenever I do something incorrectly in the SLIME REPL (I'm new at lisp, so this isn't too un...common). For example, it operates fine doing (hello-world) after I've compiled a hello-world defun, but if I try and run it after restarting Slime, it gives me
; SLIME 2011-02-18 CL-USER> (hello-world)
; in: LAMBDA NIL ; (HELLO-WORLD) ; ; caught STYLE-WARNING: ; undefined function: HELLO-WORLD ; ; compilation unit finished ; Undefined function: ; HELLO-WORLD ; caught 1 STYLE-WARNING condition
I suspect this is normal. But in the *Messages* buffer, I see things like this:
error in process filter: define-key: Wrong type argument: characterp, nil error in process filter: Wrong type argument: characterp, nil error in process filter: define-key: Wrong type argument: characterp, nil error in process filter: Wrong type argument: characterp, nil Mark set Error in post-command-hook: (wrong-type-argument characterp nil)
And then it repeats this stuff every once in a while. But even after quitting Slime, whenever I try to switch buffers, or kill buffers, or basically anything, the minibuffer says "Error in post-command-hook: (wrong-type-argument characterp nil)" for a few seconds, then gives me the info I need in the minibuffer (such as the list of buffers to ido-switch to; but it still only lets me input the name of the buffer one letter at a time for some reason). It also won't let me quit Emacs with C-x C-c, or even S-q (Apple-q). I'm not 100% this is from Slime, but it seems that way. Any suggestions for fixing this? I'm otherwise quite excited about learning Lisp.
ps- Some additional info: I also saw this warning in the *inferior lisp* buffer, shortly after starting SLIME:
Here's more that was in the *inferior-lisp* buffer. http://pastebin.com/KzEej96S
Here is more of what was in the Messages buffer http://pastebin.com/aJGYPVeq
And here are some possibly relevant lines from my emacs init files
;; http://www.cliki.net/SLIME%20Tips (add-hook 'slime-mode-hook (lambda () (unless (slime-connected-p) (save-excursion (slime)))))
(defun cliki:start-slime () (unless (slime-connected-p) (save-excursion (slime))))
(add-hook 'slime-mode-hook 'cliki:start-slime)
(add-to-list 'load-path "/Users/FingerMan/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/slime-20110219-cvs") (setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/local/bin/sbcl") (require 'slime-autoloads) (slime-setup)
(load (expand-file-name "~/quicklisp/slime-helper.el"))