The source now contains unicode charactets for testing. I'll fix it once i get home. Sorry,ach. -- With best regards, Stas. On Apr 9, 2012 3:17 PM, "Giovanni Gigante" <giov@cidoc.iuav.it> wrote:
Hi, I've just updated SLIME (via the latest Quicklisp, 2012-04-07). Now when I try to start SLIME (M-x slime), I get nowhere. This is the relevant content of the Emacs' *Messages* buffer:
(Loading /home/giov/.quicklisp/dists/**quicklisp/software/slime-**20120407-cvs/slime.el (source)... Loading cl-macs...done Loading cl-seq...done Loading derived...done load-with-code-conversion: Invalid character: 12362, #o30112, #x304a
thanks, gg
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