Helmut Eller <heller@common-lisp.net> writes:
* Tobias C. Rittweiler [2007-08-16 01:39+0200] writes:
It represents a snapshot of current Emacs' state. So I wouldn't say it's rather unspecific. Further suggestions besides your "slime-window-config" would be "slime-emacs-state" or "slime-state-snapshot." Anything else? Any favorite?
Thinking a bit more about this issue: do we need to restore restrictions? Wouldn't a simple widen be enough?
Perhaps. But it's hard to tell, as it's been with saving and restoring window configuration (which will specifically also restore the old value of point and mark) --- often it's just the thing you want, sometimes it isn't. As you brought up narrowing as an simple man's alternative to multiple files, I thought that restoring it would be appropriate in that context. -T.