* Scott Bell [2008-08-26 22:00+0200] writes:
Hi folks,
I'm receiving the following warning messages in the *slime-repl sbcl* buffer after updating to the latest CVS yesterday:
WARNING: Releasing #S(SB-THREAD:MUTEX :NAME NIL :%OWNER NIL :LUTEX #<unknown pointer object, widetag=#x5E {120B1017}>), owned by another thread: NIL
This message occurs many times a second and quickly populates the buffer with thousands of lines. I was able to reproduce this issue with SBCL 1.0.18 and 1.0.19 on Darwin x86 (Mac OS X 10.5.4).
Could you do me a favor? Do you also see the warning for a simple test case like this: (progn (defvar *mutex* (sb-thread:make-mutex)) (defvar *waitqueue* (sb-thread:make-waitqueue)) (loop (sb-thread:with-mutex (*mutex*) (format t "sleeping..~%") (sleep 0.1) (handler-case (sb-ext:with-timeout 0.2 (sb-thread:condition-wait *waitqueue* *mutex*)) (sb-ext:timeout ()))))) If so, could you report it as a SBCL bug? And if you are at it, also convince the SBCL gods that CONDITION-WAIT should take a timeout argument directly, because that would be more efficient and less problematic than WITH-TIMEOUT. Thanks. Helmut.