On 1/28/07, Madhu <enometh@meer.net> wrote:
* Andras Simon <Pine.LNX.4.56.0701281510330.31338@hexagon.math-inst.hu> :
| On Sun, 28 Jan 2007, Gary King wrote: | |> I like lists in the documentation too... I'm still an Emacs newbie |> though... is there a way to get a nice listing from the interactive |> help...? | | describe-mode (usually bound to C-h m)
Just a caveat that even this not reflect the actual keybindings in effect! From a different thread ("C-M-q not working in SLIME 2007-01-20") in this mailing list:
and the detailed explanation (with pointers to how to get the keybindings at the bottom of this post by Ariel Badichi.
It should also be noted that the Key Binding index in Appendix A does not reflect the actual key bindings that are in effect either! There are slime key bindings that are in effect when a user is in a lisp source member editing code, key bindings that are in effect when one is in a repl buffer, key bindings that are in effect when one is in an sdlb debugger buffer, key bindings that are in effect when one is in an inspector buffer, etc. So, to be accurate, Appendix A should list the default key bindings that are provide by slime in each of the different types of slime buffers (note also that not each type of slime buffer is a major or a minor mode).
(perhaps another reason why, C-h m is no excuse to get rid of the key index? :p)
In reality, there is no substitute for: 1. "C-h b" if you want to know all of the key bindings that are "in scope" at a specific time and, for specific keys/functions: 2. "C-h k" if you want to know what a specific key binding does 3. "C-h w" if you know a function name and want to know which key chord it is bound to I originally opposed including both Appendix A (key binding index) and Appendix B (function index) in the documentation for the reasons I listed in my earlier post (http://common-lisp.net/pipermail/slime-devel/2007-January/005803.html). Jeffrey has agreed and removed Appendix B. Since a number of people have indicated that they think Appendix A (key binding index) is a good idea, it might be worthwhile to keep it (although I still think it is not useful). However, if it is retained, it should be corrected to reflect the different types of slime buffers and the key bindings that are in effect in each. This will have the (in my mind) negative effect of increasing the size of this appendix, making it more difficult to maintain, and reducing its value to newbies. However, if it is to be retained, it should at least be accurate. IMO, it would be better to replace Appendix A with a pointer to the appropriate help commands in the Emacs reference and to include a paragraph explaining why there is no full list of key bindings and how to access them (which, I believe, Jeffrey has already added). But, I don't want to beat this horse to death, so I'll defer to the group consensus on this if people really want Appendix A. -- Bill Clementson