Peter Seibel <peter@javamonkey.com> writes:
And if anyone is using Allegro with SLIME, you might consider dropping a note to support@franz.com to let them know that you'll be a happier customer if they do what they can to make it work really well.
We mailed them yesterday and they've offered licenses to Helmut and I for SLIME development, and that should make things a bit easier. Still, I don't think either of us will be using ACL for our daily hacking so it's not the same as e.g. having Alanr and Gary on OpenMCL and Martin Simmons on LispWorks.
They tend to be very oriented to keeping their customers happy so if you are actually using Allegro other than to test out SLIME they'll probably be interested to hear about it.
*nod*. It would be great if Franz decided SLIME was important for their customers and had a hacker look over our backend and participate in this mailing list. -Luke