Hi, I was looking at ripping some useful stuff from SLIME to Hemlock, and noticed that swank-backend:arglist doesn't seem to work very well with byte-compiled functions in my current version. (Which is CMUCL from CVS per 2004-04-20; SLIME as of earlier today.) All calls to swank-backend:arglist on a function that has been byte-compiled gives (C:&MORE C::CONTEXT COUNT). The problem seems to be that kernel:%function-self, called by arglist, in that case, returns a general-ish #<Function "DEFUN INITIALIZE-BYTE-COMPILED-FUNCTION>, which has that kind of arglist. "Test case": * (let ((c::*byte-compile* t)) (compile (defun foo (bar &rest zot) (list* bar zot)))) ; Converted FOO. ; Byte Compiling LAMBDA (BAR &REST ZOT): ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form: FOO NIL NIL * (swank-backend:arglist 'foo) (C:&MORE C::CONTEXT COUNT) Regards, 'mr -- [Emacs] is written in Lisp, which is the only computer language that is beautiful. -- Neal Stephenson, _In the Beginning was the Command Line_