In article <87pqx0kmga.fsf@desktop-ng.home.sw4me.com>, Anton Kovalenko <anton@sw4me.com> wrote:
Hello SLIME developers,
Both in the lisp-mode and in slime REPL, there is currently one major thing that Emacs isn't getting right: constructs using reader macros like #P"/home/" and #2A((1 0) (0 1)) are regarded as two sexps instead of one. E.g. command for wrapping a sexp may turn #P"/home/" into (#P)"/home/", etc. It gets even more awful with paredit-mode (that I prefer to use), but the problem is noticeable even without it.
I have investigated one possible solution to it, and here are the results.
First, I decided to limit the scope of solution to some predefined "shape" of reader macro: for starters, when #\# is used as dispatch macro character, and its reader function calls READ to get the sexp following #[numarg]<char>. This is the case with all standard reader-macros and many implementation-specific and user-defined ones. Furthermore, I discarded the possibility to consult SWANK for the buffer's *readtable* (SWANK doesn't *know* it, anyway).
To get right behavior for #P, #2A and the like, the most appropriate syntax for all macro-characters seems to be `expression prefix': we want Emacs to regard the whole #P thing as it would regard a quote, backquote or comma.
Let's use the feature of font-lock mode in modern emacsen: syntactic keywords (in a nutshell, it's when a code used for text-coloring is [ab]used to add syntax-table properties to some text fragments). `parse-sexp-lookup-properties' set to true causes the sexp machinery to look into syntax-table properties of individual characters.
Let's add a syntactic keyword to lisp-mode:
(defun aak:add-lisp-reader-macros-syntactic-keyword () "Register # numarg macro-character as a font lock syntactic keyword, turning it into expression prefix." (set (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-lookup-properties) t) (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-syntactic-keywords) '(("\\(\\W\\|$\\)\\#\\([0-9]*[A-Za-z]\\)" (2 "'")))))
(add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook 'aak:add-lisp-reader-macros-syntactic-keyword)
Yes, I've been using (defun enable-cl-syntax () (make-local-variable 'font-lock-syntactic-keywords) (set (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-lookup-properties) t) (let ((regexp (regexp-opt '("#*" "#." "#=" "#A" "#C" "#P" "#S")))) (pushnew `(,regexp 0 "'") font-lock-syntactic-keywords :test #'equal))) (add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook #'enable-cl-syntax) for a long time now.
With the hook above, any lisp-mode buffer with font-lock mode enabled gets good enough navigation/wrapping/unwrapping for previously misinterpreted items.
I decided to leave macro-characters handled by this regexp to [A-Za-z], because normal behavior of reading the following sexp can't really be expected from other characters: readtable additions along the lines of #"something" and #{something} are also popular, and we can't get _them_ right without knowing a concrete syntaxt they expect. Another decision that has its merits is to limit it further to _standard_ macro-characters only.
There could be a SWANK:DECLAIM-SYNTAX along SWANK:DECLAIM-INDENTATION which people could put into their CL source files. -T.