On Mon, 13 Sep 2004, rif wrote:
I'm finding that if I try to run SLIME with SBCL on my debian machine, that multiple sbcl processes (4) start, and if I immediately type (quit) at the REPL, only one of the four is killed. If I instead go into *inferior-lisp* and type (quit), it quit's out of all 4. If I quit the REPL one first, then go to *inferior-lisp*, I get errors like "interrupt thread 6376 failed (3: No such process). This seems to indicate to me some bad interaction between SBCL threads/processes and SLIME?
I don't think this is a Slime issue at all, but purely an SBCL one. The first two case (killing one vs. killing all) is as it should be as far as I know: quitting a child doesn't affect the parent, killing the parent kills the children as well.
If I start sbcl at a prompt, it starts only one process. If I quit, it vanishes. If I start sbcl from slime, I get four processes. This is why I said it seems to be an SBCL/SLIME interaction issue --- I have no way to reproduce any of this undesirable behavior without SLIME. The SBCL version is 0.8.14 (debian version 0.8.14-2). rif