Hi, all. With multiple lisp processes, I had a problem with ouput stream directed to wrong repl. With advices from one of maintainers of SLIME (sorry, I do not remember his name, only nickname), I set swank:*use-dedicated-output-stream* nil. I then have got the following error messages upon invoking slime. ; Compilation unit finished. ; 7 warnings Warning: These Swank interfaces are unimplemented: (RESTART-FRAME RETURN-FROM-FRAME WHO-MACROEXPANDS WHO-SPECIALIZES) ;; Loading #p"/home/syounkim/.swank.lisp". T * ;; Swank started at port: 47088. ; Adding fd handler: 5 47088 * ; Adding input handler: 6 Error in function COMMON-LISP::HANDLER-DESCRIPTORS-ERROR: (#<Handler for INPUT on BOGUS descriptor 5: #<Closure Over Function "DEFIMPLEMENTATION ADD-FD-HANDLER" {48980661}>>) has a bad file descriptor. Restarts: 0: [REMOVE-THEM] Remove bogus handlers. 1: [RETRY-THEM ] Retry bogus handlers. 2: [CONTINUE ] Go on, leaving handlers marked as bogus. 3: [ABORT ] Return to Top-Level. Debug (type H for help) (COMMON-LISP::HANDLER-DESCRIPTORS-ERROR) Source: ; File: target:code/serve-event.lisp (RESTART-CASE (ERROR "~S ~[have~;has a~:;have~] bad file descriptor~:P." BOGUS-HANDLERS (LENGTH BOGUS-HANDLERS)) (REMOVE-THEM NIL :REPORT "Remove bogus handlers." (SETF *DESCRIPTOR-HANDLERS* #)) (RETRY-THEM NIL :REPORT "Retry bogus handlers." (DOLIST # #)) (CONTINUE NIL :REPORT "Go on, leaving handlers marked as bogus.")) 0] After aborting and running my model, the output stream problem seems to be solved but a similar problem as the above occurred during the model run. Any suggestions? -- _________________ Sung-youn Kim Political Science Dept. Stony Brook University (SUNY at Stony Brook) Office : 631-632-7664 Web : http://www.ic.sunysb.edu/stu/sungyoki