"Helmut" == Helmut Eller <e9626484@stud3.tuwien.ac.at> writes:
Helmut> Thanks for the patch. I applied it. Perhaps a nicer solution would be something like (defun resolve-file-source-location (location) (let ((filename (c::file-source-location-pathname location)) (multiple-value-bind (tlf-number form-number) (decode-form-numbers (c::file-source-location-form-numbers location)) ...)))) Then you can get rid of the *-tlf-number and *-form-number functions. Helmut> BTW, what do you think about recording the source location Helmut> for defvar, defparamater and defconst? A simple way to do Helmut> it, would be to store the source location in the property Helmut> list, like so: I must confess I haven't used the source-location stuff in slime at all, except in the debugger. But I've often wanted to know where defvar's and such were defined and end up using grep to find it. Helmut> Perhaps there is a more GC friendly place than the Helmut> property list. I haven't tried, but I hope that recording Helmut> the source location for variables doesn't need too much Helmut> space. Your solution seems reasonable. Ray