3 Oct
3 Oct
8:06 a.m.
* (Pascal J. Bourguignon) <87zkuxj2gk.fsf@kuiper.lan.informatimago.com> : Wrote on Fri, 01 Oct 2010 18:35:23 +0200: |> I know that Emacs itself provides some functionality, but it does not |> look nearly as comfy as SLIME for CL. Eg I couldn't figure out the |> equivalent of M-. and similar. | | It's M-. if you have generated the tags with etags(1) | | You can also use: C-h f C-x o TAB RET Or just (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map "\M-." 'find-function) if desired, one can kludge approximate "M-," behaviour suitably with `pop-global-mark' -- Madhu