16 Dec
16 Dec
8:40 a.m.
Alan Ruttenberg <alanralanr@comcast.net> writes:
I added a "continue" restart so that you could continue after interrupting in openmcl. The thing is that when you do continue you get a "Evaluation aborted" message in the minibuffer, (but evaluation proceeds properly). How do I repair this?
I can fix this -- I have the fix on my hard disk somewhere, I think I committed it on a dead-end CVS branch a ways back. The solution is to special-case Emacs's invoke-restart command as an asynchronous request that doesn't expect a reply. Then Emacs doesn't push a "waiting evaluation result" onto its state machine -- it will only get aborted (and print this message) when the restart unwinds the stack anyway. Cheers, Luke