I've packaged SLIME and swank for Fedora at: http://yum.octopodial-chrome.com/packages/cl-swank http://yum.octopodial-chrome.com/packages/emacs-slime http://yum.octopodial-chrome.com/packages/emacs-slime-el http://yum.octopodial-chrome.com/packages/xemacs-slime http://yum.octopodial-chrome.com/packages/xemacs-slime-el Probably the easiest thing to do is to install the octopodial-chrome package and then run 'yum install cl-swank emacs-slime.' They're packaged separately in order a) to follow Fedora guidelines b) provide more flexibility in deployment. -- Any programmer who fails to comply with the standard naming, formatting, or commenting conventions should be shot. If it so happens that it is inconvenient to shoot him, then he is to be politely requested to recode his program in adherence to the above standard. --Michael Spier