"Bill Clementson" <billclem@gmail.com> writes:
Apparently, C-M-q is undefined in Lisp Slime buffers (SLIME version
I don't know if it is intentional or not. What is it you think it should do? I just *looked it up* in the Index to Key Bindings and it doesn't appear to be bound to anything.
(Like Bill said, it should be bound to the function `indent-sexp'.)
I have updated to SLIME 2007-01-20 and when I press C-h k C-M-q I see that C-M-q is bound to indent-sexp. I don't remember it being bound to anything else (but I may be wrong). Ariel, are you saying that C-M-q is not bound to anything or that it has the wrong binding?
It isn't bound to anything. On further investigation, however, that only happens when using the slime scratch buffer. The function `slime-scratch-buffer' uses a special keymap in that case, which seems to be the reason for this problem, but I don't know how to fix it yet.
Hmm, fixing it is easy - just add the binding to the existing slime-define-keys statement: (slime-define-keys slime-scratch-mode-map ("\C-j" 'slime-eval-print-last-expression) ("\C-\M-q" 'indent-sexp)) However, I can't see why "C-M-q" isn't bound in the slime-scratch-buffer. When I'm in the slime scratch buffer, I can do "C-h b" and it shows that C-M-q is bound to indent-sexp. However, if I do a "C-h k C-M-q" in the slime scratch buffer it says that it isn't bound!! weird. - Bill