On Mon, May 08, 2006 at 03:43:50PM +0200, Levente M?sz?ros wrote:
I think it's great but the user interface could be tuned a little bit. (at least to my taste)
Here is my idea (which I might eventually implement): - in the source window use <TAB> key to show the fuzzy completion list - simultanously in the match window display the possible matches and highlight the first one as being the current fuzzy completion - do not change anything in the source window and let the focus stay there (this is different from the one currently implemented) - use the subsequent <TAB> keypresses to iterate through the possible matches and use S-<TAB> to go backwards. one can always switch to the completion list window and navigate back and forth with the usual keystrokes if one wants to - otherwise the focus stays in the source window and no changes there - if you hit any key that clearly stops editing the current symbol in the source window, then the incomplete symbol will be replaced by the current fuzzy match and the key will be evaluated afterwards (implicit completion). such keys are space, enter, (), arrow keys leaving the symbol, etc... of course, hide completion window - if you did not find a match or there are too many matches, you can continue editing by navigating back, deleting back, etc. - the completion window remains there and continuously updates making the first match as the current completion, so that you can hit space, enter, () to commit
to type in slot-value-using-class one would type:
( svuc TAB SPACE object SPACE slot )
I think that exact interface would probably drive me nuts, but then again since I wrote the existing one it's pretty optimized for how I like it. :) All of the swank calls for fuzzy-completion are pretty general - it should be relatively easy to wrap a completely new emacs-side interface around it, which sounds like what you're talking about above. Digging a little deeper, you have: (defun compute-highest-scoring-completion (short full test) "Finds the highest scoring way to complete the abbreviation SHORT onto the string FULL, using TEST as a equality function for letters. Returns two values: The first being the completion chunks of the high scorer, and the second being the score." ...) CL-USER> (swank::compute-highest-scoring-completion "mulvb" "multiple-value-bind" #'char=) ((0 "mul") (9 "v") (15 "b")) 42.391666666666666 ...so you can use the core algorithm to complete whatever strings want, not just symbols. -bcd