* "Bill Clementson" <8757cb490701281739w13649d3dxf0374280a8135cd3@XXX> : | However, I disagree with your assertion that "any decent manual should | contain indices" Ah, there we disagree! | and also the implication that the manual (as it currently is) does | not represent "correct documentation". It was an unfortunate incorrect use of the word `correct' but the I didnt want to claim the "current manual is not correct" | A manual should be designed for an audience and I think the slime | manual DOES meet the needs of slime developers without function and | key binding indices. I was operating under the assumption of a wider audience, of users who are not slime developers, including those who may also be learning emacs simultaneously with slime. | I don't know that there is any good use case for keeping them. The key | bindings and functions are covered in context in other parts of the | manual. There's no need to duplicate that coverage in appendices. This misses the point of an index. -- Regards Madhu