* Tobias C. Rittweiler [2007-08-12 12:51+0200] writes:
Helmut Eller <heller@common-lisp.net> writes:
No consensus here. The basic structure, a few big files, should stay as it is.
What's the benefit?
I like it that way.
The reason is simple: The INSPECT-FOR-EMACS stuff spans almost 1000 lines and is mostly uninteresting, not-really-pretty looking code. However, one has to remark at this point that both these properties are somewhat inherent to the purpose of the code, as it describes layout and presentation. It's necessary cruft so to speak.
I'd really like to see this stuff swapped out into another file.
The original inspector was much much smaller. The ugliness is mostly due the misuse of the inspector as class browser. If you can remove the CLOS stuff, more power to you. Removing the inspector entirely is not an option.
While reorganizing files alone doesn't reduce the amount of code per se, it _does_ reduce the amount of conceptually coherent code that I have to keep into my head at once. Or rather it helps in ignoring the bits that are uninteresting to the current problem.
(Of course, there's buffer folding. But I don't think that it works that well with `M-.' --- and it doesn't allow to leverage Common Lisp's package system, assuming multiple package definitions within one source file is a big no-no.)
C-x n p works well with Slime. Helmut.