Hello all, I have just encountered a bug while using SBCL or OpenMCL 0.14.3 and the latest CVS slime (as of 10 minutes ago) on my PowerBook G4 with Mac OS 10.3.9. Evaluating the following commands using C-M-x (except for the in-package, which I have to type at the REPL) works fine: (defpackage :fast-math (:use :cl)) (in-package :fast-math) (defmacro f+ (&rest xs) `(the double-float (+ ,@(map 'list #'(lambda (x) `(the double-float ,x)) xs)))) (defmacro f- (&rest xs) `(the double-float (- ,@(map 'list #'(lambda (x) `(the double-float ,x)) xs)))) (defmacro f* (&rest xs) `(the double-float (* ,@(map 'list #'(lambda (x) `(the double-float ,x)) xs)))) (defmacro f/ (&rest xs) `(the double-float (/ ,@(map 'list #'(lambda (x) `(the double-float ,x)) xs)))) (f* 10.d0 30.d0) (f+ 10.d0 30.d0) (f- 10.d0 30.d0) (f/ 30.d0 10.d0) However, if I then type (f* 10.d0 30.d0) at the REPL, I get an error involving the "undefined function f*". Even after this, if I then evaluate (f* 10.d0 30.d0) using C-M-x it works fine! I notice that typing (f* ...) in the REPL doesn't bring up the autocomplete information from SLIME, while typing it in a different slime buffer does bring up the note (f* &rest xs). The problem doesn't occur if the macros are defined in the cl-user package. I don't really know anything about the internal workings of slime or I'd post a fix, too. Sorry. Let me know if there's more information I can offer about the problem. Thanks! Will Farr