I've run into a problem in some emacs versions where changing directories via ,cd without a trailing slash will cause subsequent cd commands (and possibly other pathname related lisp routines) to fail. The problem is that read-directory-name may or may not return a path string with a trailing slash. So a directory "/users/mikel/foo" that is passed to set-default-directory in the allegro backend and is parsed into a pathname with 'foo' in the :name slot rather than as part of the :directory. This is then stored into *default-pathname-defaults*. The following patch avoids this since the path returned by excl:chdir returns a path string with a trailing slash regardless of whether or not its argument does and thus will be parsed correctly when converted into a pathname object. Index: swank-allegro.lisp =================================================================== RCS file: /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-allegro.lisp,v retrieving revision 1.85 diff -c -r1.85 swank-allegro.lisp *** swank-allegro.lisp 22 Mar 2006 16:40:01 -0000 1.85 --- swank-allegro.lisp 24 Mar 2006 06:45:05 -0000 *************** *** 86,94 **** "allegro") (defimplementation set-default-directory (directory) ! (let ((dir (namestring (setf *default-pathname-defaults* ! (truename (merge-pathnames directory)))))) ! (excl:chdir dir) dir)) (defimplementation default-directory () --- 86,93 ---- "allegro") (defimplementation set-default-directory (directory) ! (let* ((dir (namestring (truename (merge-pathnames directory))))) ! (setf *default-pathname-defaults* (pathname (excl:chdir dir))) dir)) (defimplementation default-directory () -Mikel Bancroft