On Sun, 3 Oct 2004, Helmut Eller wrote:
It looks like I was a to quick with "works for me". It breaks actually in more complicated situations.
I committed various fixes for the problem. slime-pid is now only needed needed for certain communication styles.
It works great, thanks!
Just two minor usablility issues:
I think that the connections buffer should go away after choosing a connection by hitting RET, and that ,restart-inferior-lisp should reuse the REPL, just as it does in the single connection case (now it creates a new one and there's a dead one floating around). But these are really just quibbles.
SBCL uses native threading and AFAIK Linux threads are actually processes and unix:getpid probably returns just the pid of the thread. At least that's my explanation for the different pids.
Probably that, and the startup script issue (as Paolo observed). So not relying too much on pids is a good thing, I think. BTW abcl is also using native threads, and so does acl on windows.