2009/6/27 Brian Mastenbrook <brian@mastenbrook.net>:
I put together a hack a little while ago to do this in almost any kind of buffer. What's the advantage of using Slime-specific functions for this?
You can see my hack here: http://brian.mastenbrook.net/static/files/misc/refactor.el . It's not a query-replace, but of course that's not terribly difficult to add.
I looked at yours before writing that one -- aside from the query-style I wanted to add the pre-existing-new-name check, and using slime-symbol and symbol gets things like #.foo (foo is the symbol to rename) ,@foo (foo is the symbol to rename) @foo (@foo is the symbol to rename) at least mostly right. I'm not at all convinced that the way I did this is sensible, though. Cheers, -- Nikodemus