[Slime 2004-06-18, SBCL Darwin/PPC hacks, an oldish Emacs CVS] Once thing I noticed when working on some SBCL internals tonight is that Slime is compiling things for SBCL with very little debug. This can be seen by compiling: (defun bar (x y) (zot x y)) from the Slime REPL and the *inferior-lisp* REPL. The Slime-compiled one has a very short disassembly, and tail-calls the FDEFINITION. The REPL-compiled one is quite long, and doesn't. This is strange, though, since sb-c::*policy* evaluates to the same in either environment. While this was sort of nice for me (Slime's low debug made my find and fix a nasty stack-destroying bug), it seems bad that Slime-compiled code is defaulting to low debug levels, and seems to not be respecting the *policy*. Is this happening on anyone else's installation, and does anyone have an idea why this is happening? (I've not CCed sbcl-devel on this - I figure enough of the SBCL developers who know anything about Slime are on this list.) -bcd