On Tue, 26 Sep 2006 20:17:54 -0400, Bill Atkins said:
'm having trouble getting SLIME to start with LispWorks 5.0. I'm running the latest CVS of SLIME and I don't have any problems with CLISP or SBCL.
I started Emacs without loading my configuration file ("emacs -q"), then loaded SLIME and evaluated (setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/ local/bin/lispworks -tty") . Then I ran SLIME and watched some output scroll through *inferior-lisp*, only to stop at a CL-USER> prompt. The echo area informs me that SLIME is still polling the connection ("Polling "/tmp/slime.1257".. (Abort with `M-x slime- abort-connection'.)"). Clearing out old FASL's doesn't seem to make a difference. This is an Intel Mac, if that's relevant.
The problem is that SWANK:START-SERVER now calls SWANK-BACKEND:INITIALIZE-MULTIPROCESSING, which never returns on LispWorks. The attached patch should fix it (though other backends need to be modified before this is committed). -- Martin Simmons LispWorks Ltd http://www.lispworks.com/