i'm sending this patch in the hopes that someone with more elisp experience will review the diff and apply it to the cvs.
Hmm, i applied your patch to my local copy and it really broke things:
- Emacs snapshot doesn't like the "<TAB>" keybindings (should be "\t").
these are the things that need attention by more experienced emacs gurus. thanks for the report! - Pressing the tab key in the repl does open the completition window and
i'm able to navigate with "up"/"down", but selecting a completition with "enter"/"return" seems to send an "enter" to the repl. With paredit activated this causes havoc since the form most likely isn't completed yet.
this is the default behaviour and this is actually a feature. enter and space are rebound while in completion mode so that they insert the selected completion, end the completion mode and trigger the original action mapped to the key. i have these extra stuff in my init.el: ;; so that they behave as space and enter described above (define-key slime-target-buffer-fuzzy-completions-map (kbd "]") 'slime-fuzzy-select-and-process-event-in-target-buffer) (define-key slime-target-buffer-fuzzy-completions-map (kbd "[") 'slime-fuzzy-select-and-process-event-in-target-buffer) ;; enable the fuzzy completion (define-lisp-key "\t" 'slime-fuzzy-indent-and-complete-symbol nil t) ;; unrelated ielm completion (define-lisp-key "\t" (lambda () (interactive) (ielm-complete-symbol)) nil nil t) and for reference: (defun define-lisp-key (key binding &optional except-repl cl-only el-only) (unless el-only (define-key slime-mode-map key binding)) (unless cl-only (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map key binding)) (unless except-repl (unless el-only (define-key slime-repl-mode-map key binding)) (unless cl-only (define-key ielm-map key binding)))) -- - attila "- The truth is that I've been too considerate, and so became unintentionally cruel... - I understand. - No, you don't understand! We don't speak the same language!" (Ingmar Bergman - Smultronstället)