Raymond Toy <rtoy@earthlink.net> writes:
I think I finally tracked this down. In cmucl cvs, Helmut's source-location patches have been incorporated. However, swank-cmucl.lisp references some unknown functions such as file-source-location-tlf-number. There's also a bug in resolve-file-source-location:
My experimental version looked a bit differently from the version in cmucl cvs.
(defun resolve-file-source-location (location) (let ((filename (c::file-source-location-pathname location)) (tlf-number (c::file-source-location-tlf-number location)) (form-number (c::file-source-location-tlf-number location)))
Presumably the tlf-number and form-number should not be the same; form-number should be from file-source-location-form-number.
Hehe, I wonder how this ever worked.
Anyway, attached is a simple hack patch that fixes these issues. At least slime is now working again with cmucl cvs. :-1
Thanks for the great tool!
Index: swank-cmucl.lisp
Thanks for the patch. I applied it. BTW, what do you think about recording the source location for defvar, defparamater and defconst? A simple way to do it, would be to store the source location in the property list, like so: (defmacro defvar (var &optional (val nil valp) (doc nil docp)) `(progn (setf (get (quote ,var) 'source-location) (c::source-location)) (declaim (special ,var)) ,@(when valp `((unless (boundp ',var) (setq ,var ,val)))) ,@(when docp `((setf (documentation ',var 'variable) ',doc))) ',var)) Perhaps there is a more GC friendly place than the property list. I haven't tried, but I hope that recording the source location for variables doesn't need too much space. Helmut.