[Did this post not make it to the list yesterday?] heller@common-lisp.net (Helmut Eller) writes:
Modified Files: slime.texi Log Message: Mention Unicode support and some multi-threading issues.
Cool. I added some notes about the new inspector. I wonder if we're actually using the INSPECTOR argument to INSPECT-IN-EMACS anywhere? Can we remove it, or? I also documented slime-selector. I'm reproducing that section here since it's so bad that most people probably don't know about it: 6.1 `slime-selector' ==================== The `slime-selector' command is for quickly switching to important buffers: the REPL, SLDB, the Lisp source you were just hacking, etc. Once invoked the command prompts for a single letter to specify which buffer it should display. Here are some of the options: `?' A help buffer listing all `slime-selectors''s available buffers. `r' The REPL buffer for the current SLIME connection. `d' The most recently activated SLDB buffer for the current connection. `l' The most recently visited `lisp-mode' source buffer. `s' The `*slime-scratch*' buffer. *Note slime-scratch::. `slime-selector' doesn't have a key binding by default but we suggest that you assign it a global one. You can bind `C-c s' like this: (global-set-key "\C-cs" 'slime-selector) And then you can switch to the REPL from anywhere with `C-c s r'. The macro `def-slime-selector-method' can be used to define new buffers for `slime-selector' to find.