I'm getting back into actual lisp development and I'm trying to install the common lisp music (clm) package using sbcl. I've gotten a compile error (in mus.lisp for those that are interested) that I'd like to figure out how to fix it, but I can't really find it since the error doesn't seem to provide line numbers for the error. Is there a way to get the line number that the error occured on printed?
Doesn't M-n take you to the error?
I may have spoke too soon with my last message. It does let me walk through the stack trace to find the error that the compiler had, but it doesn't tell me where the compiler is in the file that it is compiling. Now that I think about it, this seems to be problem in the compiler, rather than in the source file, but i'm new to actually using lisp so I could just be totally wrong. Here is a listing of the stack trace (just up to the call to compile file, the actual trace is 200+ deep): [snipped stack trace]
Ok, I thought you had compiled the music.lisp as part of a build of the CLM package. I'm not familiar with CLM, but the documentation says: How To Build CLM: In general start lisp and (load "all.lisp"). Have you done this? The README.clm file has full instructions. - Bill