Peter Seibel <peter@javamonkey.com> writes:
In other words, I'm much more interested in having an indentation mode that I can a) understand, b) extend/customize with Common Lisp code rather than more crufty elisp than I am in fixing emacs out-of-the box indentation. But that's just me and until I have time to actually cut code I'm just babbling.
I second this. I'd also like to get the possibility to write custom formatting rules for one's own macros. And having a decently indented loop macro would be a big improvement. Also marco's inspector code has shown that a decent working and resonably powerful interface is possible. Though, how to define indentation rules (best) is still an open question, I guess. But it would really be worthwhile. -- ,, \../ / <<< The LISP Effect |_\\ _==__ __ | |bb| | _________________________________________________