Hello, I am trying to have elisp and common lisp communicate with each other inside Emacs. I am using OpenMCL with SLIME on a PowerBook G4. I have two files. One is "jong.el" and the other is "jong.lisp". Here is the code. in the file of "jong.el" (defun man-hello (astring) (if (equal "hello-el" astring) (slime-repl-send-input "hello-cl")) (progn (goto-char (point-max)) (insert ":hello-cl") (slime-repl-return))) in the file of "jong.lisp" (defvar aa nil "a test variable.") (defun ehello-world () (format t "~%Connecting in ehello-world...") (format t "~%MAN:hello-el") (setq aa (read-line )) (if (string= aa "hello-cl") (format t "...conected.") (format t "connection not established with emacs."))) I am loading the "jong.lisp" file into OpenMCL. Then, by pressing M-x load-file, I am loading the "jong.el". The result is: Connecting in ehello-world... MAN:hello-el and it hangs until I press a key. If I press a key, I get the message below: connection not established with emacs. I used "slime-repl-send-input". Could you please give some advice on this? Thanks, Jong Kim