Hello, again, This problem is still occurring. Sometimes it happens, sometimes not. Killing the underlying Lisp process (sbcl) unfreezes Emacs. Here is the error message that appears in Emacs after killing SBCL in the buffer *slime-error*: Invalid protocol message: sb-int:simple-reader-package-error at 42 (line 1, column 42) on #<sb-impl::string-input-stream {1006026E11}>: Symbol "COMPLETIONS-FOR-KEYWORD" not found in the SWANK package. "(:emacs-rex (swank:completions-for-keyword \":values-accessor\" (quote (\"setf\" (\"body-of\" \"form\") (\"make-instance\" \"'let-form\" \":bindings\" (\"list\" (\"cons\" \"'lexical-environment\" (\"make-instance\" \"'let-closure-info\" \":type\" \"'let*\" \":environment\" \"lexical-environment\" \":variables\" \"',,'variables\" \"\" swank::%cursor-marker%))))))) \"COMMON-LISP-USER\" t 144) " Gustavo. 2010/7/30 Gustavo <gugamilare@gmail.com>
I just checked out latest repo, seems to be fixed now, somehow.
Sorry for the noise.
2010/7/30 Stas Boukarev <stassats@gmail.com>
Gustavo <gugamilare@gmail.com> writes:
I think I found a bug. Emacs freezes every time I input ":something <TAB>" in Slime REPL, i.e., whenever I try to autocomplete a keyword from the REPL. It also seems to happen in other buffers as well. Autocompleting "normal" symbols seems to be working fine.
What completion are you using? (C-h v slime-complete-symbol-function)
-- With Best Regards, Stas.