| And I still have the following message when I want to load my file: | | > invalid byte #xE7 in CHARSET:ASCII conversion | > [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]
You don't tell us how you load the file, but my guess is that you are not doing (load filename :external-format :utf-8). Right?
You are absolutely right. I am trying to go through the Practical Common Lisp book so it is needless to say that I was not even aware that such an option existed. The way I try to load the file is simply: (load "~/path/to/file.txt") For practical purposes I would like to have Slime understand that my default is UTF-8, since I mostly deal with mulilingual files with not overlapping character sets. I think I managed to have Emacs (I use Aquamacs) understand that, since all the .lisp multilingual files I have are properly displayed, so the next step would be to have Slime get that too :) Besides, after I tried: (load "~/Documents/_travail/Programmes/lisp/salut_2.lisp" :external- format :utf-8) I got yet another error message:
OPEN: illegal :EXTERNAL-FORMAT argument :UTF-8 [Condition of type SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR]
I just checked that the file was properly saved in utf-8. Regards, Jean-Christophe