Andrey Moskvitin <archimag@gmail.com> writes:
Now Hunchentoot included the following code:
(when (find-package :swank) (ignore-errors (eval `(,(find-symbol (string '#:add-hook) :swank) ,(find-symbol (string '#:*connection-closed-hook*) :swank) 'after-close-swank-connection))))
This does not seem reliable, but is absolutely necessary for a more safe debugging remote servers. I propose a patch that will rewrite this code more natural way:
#+swank(swank:add-hook swank:*connection-closed-hook* 'after-close-swank-connection)
See attachment.
Moskvitin Andrey
diff --git a/swank.lisp b/swank.lisp index e6caf78..23dae31 100644 --- a/swank.lisp +++ b/swank.lisp @@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ #:invoke-slime-debugger #:swank-debugger-hook #:emacs-inspect + #:add-hook + #:*new-connection-hook* + #:*connection-closed-hook* ;;#:inspect-slot-for-emacs ;; These are user-configurable variables: #:*communication-style* @@ -3801,4 +3804,6 @@ Collisions are caused because package information is ignored." (defun init () (run-hook *after-init-hook*))
+(pushnew :swank *features*) + ;;; swank.lisp ends here \ No newline at end of file
I think this is reasonable. Out of interest, what does after-close-swank-connection actually do? -T.