Rainer Joswig <joswig@lisp.de> writes:
I'm a bit used to the behavior of MCL when it comes to Lisp buffers and listeners. Maybe SLIME developers know how to achieve a similar behavior or would like to provide something similar.
Hi Rainer, I think what you want is better support for using a Lisp buffer as scratch buffer (as it's commonly called on modern Emacsen); Someone (Brian Downing?) had some ideas on how to improve support for this kind of development, IIRC. What I'd really like is something that can fetch an s-exp and all its relevant lexical context (LET, FLET/LABELS, MACROLET, SYMBOL-MACROLET bindings) and copy it over to the REPL (without executing it.) :) (Cutting down a sexp to the relevant parts isn't that bad with paredit.el, though. Btw., Rainer, you do know about paredit.el, don't you? :)) -T.