* Nathan Bird [2006-07-04 00:22+0200] writes:
This issue goes back a while with a few different proposed fixes. http://common-lisp.net/pipermail/slime-devel/2006-March/004679.html being where I first know about it.
This solution is pretty simple, except that it uses functions from the asdf in swank-loader.lisp. Is there anyone using swank-loader directly that does not have asdf and swank properly setup?
I don't have asdf in my image and don't load it by default. SLIME's default startup sequence uses swank-loader directly. And I think few (if any) CL implementations ship with asdf properly configured by default. If we make SLIME dependent on asdf, we add another hurdle for newbies.
If asdf is setup properly you can still directly invoke swank-loader.
(defvar *source-directory* - (make-pathname :name nil :type nil - :defaults (or *load-pathname* *default-pathname-defaults*)) + (asdf:component-pathname (asdf:find-system :swank))
Would it be acceptable to patch swank.asd instead? Like so: --- swank.asd.old 2005-09-01 08:41:32.000000000 +0200 +++ swank.asd 2006-07-05 19:02:25.000000000 +0200 @@ -22,3 +22,7 @@ (asdf:defsystem :swank :components ((:file "swank-loader"))) +(defpackage :swank-loader) +(defparameter swank-loader::*source-directory* + (asdf:component-pathname (asdf:find-system :swank))) +