Luke Gorrie <luke@synap.se> writes:
Pointing out holes in the documentation would be useful.
What do others think about making a 1.1? Helmut? Marco?
What was the release date again? End of March? Regarding documentation, I think we should add a few words about multithreading, explain how dynamic variables work, and that SBCL works differently. A word about exotic characters would be nice too. That CLISP is not interruptible on Windows is also worth to mention. In the code are now quite a few places with more than 80 columns. It wouldn't hurt to clean that up. The new tracing code needs some testing. AFAICT, it doesn't work at all with OpenMCL. Source locations with file-positions can cause problems if Emacs uses a different encoding. I don't see a simple fix for that. Perhaps we should document it and wait until somebody has time to think about it. Some features that could be added are: some authentication and/or unix sockets. Perhaps some kind of REPL in the debugger. But I'm not sure if it is worth the trouble. What versions should we support? Emacs >= 20 XEmacs ? (21.4) CMUCL >= 18e SBCL >= 0.8.15 OpenMCL ? CLISP >= 2.33 Lispworks >= 4.3 Allegro >= 6.x ABCL ?