18 May
18 May
1:58 p.m.
On Tue, 2004-05-18 at 10:07, Marco Baringer wrote:
Martin Elster <martin@1103.org> writes:
Is there a way to get slime and aclrepl to work together?
i'm pretty sure sb-aclrepl's attempts to read/write from the console don't play well with slime's io model, however what does aclrepl have that slime is missing?
I haven't looked hard, but I couldn't find equivalents for :processes (list all processes), :signal (send a signal to process), :sh (run shell command), and :kill. I also use the :cd <dir>, :pwd, :ld, and :cl commands all the time in Allegro and sbcl, and they have almost become second nature. martin