Edi Weitz <edi@agharta.de> writes:
I'll repeat my observations in more detail:
1. Open up a fresh Emacs and type M-x slime.
2. Visit the file /tmp/foo.lisp which contains exactly the ten characters "(zerop 42)", without the quotes, obviously.
3. Now type C-u 5 C-f so you're behind the "p".
4. Press the space bar. The buffer now looks like "(zerop 42)" - two spaces.
Surely this needs to be `C-u 6 C-f SPC'. Doing that I see the problem, fixed in CVS now. Nice detective work! I recently added a `first-change-hook' that sends a notification to Lisp - the CMUCL backend uses this to cache the source file before it gets munged on disk. But sending that notification means Emacs has a pending RPC so it considers itself "busy" and skips the arglist lookup! Fixed just by doing arglist lookup before inserting the space and triggering the hook. -Luke