On Fri Jan 21, 2005 at 01:37:44PM +0100, Luke Gorrie wrote:
Hi Jeffrey,
I'm replying to the list on this one since I'm about to disappear for the weekend and because a problem this strange deserves a place in the list archives. :-)
Hi Luke, I thought I was replying to the list but I see now the Reply-To: was your personal address. Sorry about that.
Below when you try to start the SWANK server it gives a "No such file or directory" error. If the bind(2) system call is doing this then the only reason I can think of is if we try to bind to an IP address that does not exist, but that's weird because we're binding to (Somehow this rings a vague bell though..)
Random questions: are you on x86? and how come Gentoo gives you CMUCL 18e when 19a was released nearly 6 months ago? any other Gentoo users able to shed some light here? did you see Helmut's question about byte compiling?
Yes, I'm this machine is an athlon-xp. I responded to Helmut's question (probably to him personally by mistake as in your case) that it doesn't appear to be byte compiled (only the .el file exists). The reason I'm running 18e is probably due to having loaded it a few months ago. I'm upgrading it as I type. Its done. Here is the listing of the /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/slime directory: hyperspec.el slime.el swank-loader.lisp tree-widget.el So it doesn't look like anything is byte-compiled. I'm going to retry the experiment again with the new cmucl version... No dice. Looks like the same error message: * (swank:create-server) Error in function CREATE-INET-LISTENER: Error binding socket to port 4005: No such file or directory [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [ABORT] Return to Top-Level. Debug (type H for help) (CREATE-INET-LISTENER 4005 :STREAM :HOST 16777343 ...) Source: Error finding source: Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM: Source file no longer exists: target:code/internet.lisp. 0] In case I omitted this, the version of SLIME that Gentoo is distributing at the moment is slime-1.0.20041010. --Jeff